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24/7 365 days/year

Harness Wisdom & Insight – Achieve Your Goals

Discover Your Hidden Strengths & Transform Your Future

Uncover Your True Purpose & Direction


Reading Layout
Transformative Tarot

Your unique tarot reading is a bespoke exploration of how your untapped gifts, life experiences and inner wisdom can be wound into a perfect navigation strategy for achieving all you need in life. You will be partnered by our highly intuitive guide, drawing down the wisdom of the ancients to reveal your true nature and how to recognise and harvest the opportunties continually being sent  to assist in unlocking your goals.

Your transformative tarot analysis hones in on your soul’s true aims and uncovers your perfect path to alignment.

Standard tarot readers garner information by discussion then re-present it as prediction for one-off hope.

Our consultations empower you to access your own inner knowing, assisting you in discovering your true path. You will be building the awareness and skills required to grow self-knowledge and follow your spirit’s true calling with greater accuracy and success. Having revealed your path and how to follow it, you will control the limitless growth in your abilities to drive your life choices and achieve your purpose.

What to Expect

Our guided in-person or online video tarot sessions for individuals, couples or groups of up to 5 help you to harness the wisdom and insight needed to achieve your life goals. Your partner in this journey will be our gifted seer Cali. You will be shown how to tune into your intuition to select your perfect divining tool from three of our long-revered traditional seekers’ decks : The Spirit Animal Spread, The Moon Rythmn Romantica Deck or The Ancient’s Druid Divining Cards. Your unique to “Time for Tarot” card layout follows psycholgical principles especially designed to ensure easy recall. Your expert reading will be simple to follow and explained in ways that will automatically trigger your memory when the insights are required in future. In a single session you will receive a thorough exploration of your chosen facet of life revealing all the gifts your subconscious holds, and that in future, your new level of awareness will forever be harvesting to ensure you achieve your goal.

Online Tarot
Video Consultation

Build your Intuition – Unlock your Unconscious

Harvest Opportunities You’ve Been Overlooking


Time for Tarot
Align with Your True Path

It’s Time for Tarot.

Time You Unlocked Your Potential – Time You Realised Your Dreams

Your Path Lies Waiting. This Reading Will Take You There.

Your Guide Your Journey

Cali will partner you through your deeply transformative reading.

Fluent in the rites of ancient wisdom. Empathic & Intuitive.

Teacher & Guide. She’ll Grow Your Self-Knowledge. Change Your Life.

Video Consultations 1-1 / Couples / Groups

 30 mins = starting from £30 / 1hr= starting from £50 / 90mins = starting from £75

To Book : Whatsapp 00447709101010 or email info@healingretreatsinternational.com


Bespoke Sessions – Choose Your Media & Duration – Tailored Just For You