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24/7 365 days/year

Direct Your Own Growth

Build Your Own Bliss

Come Alone, With Friends or Join Like-Minded Souls

You choose the length of time you stay in our oasis above the clouds:

Half Day Retreats (3 hrs) from as little as £/euro 180
Full Day Immersive Experience (6 hrs) start from £/euro 360
Two Day Transformational Soul Retreats (2 x 6 hr days) from £/euro 720

Develop Your  Bespoke Transformative Mind-Uplifting Programme from these Elements

Mind Uplifting Options

Clearsight Coaching – A talking therapy akin to counselling which helps reduce stress by replacing overwhelm and anxiety with the clarity and focus to overcome life’s difficulties. This psychotherapeutic support reveals greater understanding of your issues with structured discussion and offers a toolkit of strategies to improve our future approach. (Minimum 60 mins)

Mindfulness for Beginners – An introduction to the practice of stilling our busy thoughts to appreciate the here and now. Cultivating a calm and peaceful mind enabling you to live fully in the moment. Adopting the principles of Mindfulness in your daily routine has a transformative effect on your quality of life. (Minimum 60 mins)

Developing Intuition & Manifestation – after a personalised assessment, you’ll receive expert support to develop personalised intention rituals and focussed manifestation techniques. This programme develops your connection with your higher self, building trust that your life goals can be achieved. (Minimum 60 mins)

Elemental Healing -Absorb nature’s wisdom with your choice of mindful engagement activities in earth, fire , water and air in our Nature Immersion Experience(Minimum 60 mins)

Intuitive Tarot Guidance – Tarot to trigger trust. This unique application of your choice of tarot deck empowers you to translate the wisdom of the cards. Learn more(Minimum 60 mins)

Intuitive Tarot Readings